1·One switch position offers the smoothest vocal sound you've ever heard to be your high end vocal mic for males.
2·Other characteristics are a call and response between the soloist and the chorus, and an especially tense vocal sound.
3·Performance is the public presentation of a work through vocal sound, facial movements and body movements, directly or with the aid of technical devices;
4·Results Five factors such as career, noisy environment, drinking, time-dependant of vocal sound and noise discussion were risk factors of benign disorders of vocal cord.
5·Some of these cells also scanned relatively long stretches of sound, which allowed them to pick out a particular vocal feature, despite all the background noise.
6·We create the sound with our vocal chords (hence the name), and usually laugh this way naturally and spontaneously.
7·We change the pitch by tightening the vocal chords to make our voice higher and loosening them to make a lower sound.
8·You might have thought your mouse was getting more vocal, but it's actually just an annoying sound effect that's enabled by default.
9·All sounds are produced by vibrations; the sound of our voices is the result of vocal chords vibrating in our throats, while sound from a plucked guitar string comes from the vibrations of the string.
10·The sound effects are primitive vocal effects into my mic that I warped and twisted a bit.